Cyber Security

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Using public wifi safely

Up to 70% tablet owners and 53% smartphone users have admited to using a public Wi-Fi spot withought giving it a second thought. This is the first mistake you can make when not prepared. Your data on a public Wi-Fi can easily be intercepted, and with that they can take your personal information such as your digital identity and money, aswell as putting viruss and malware on your device.

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Identity theft protection

"Identity theft is when someone uses your personal data — name, Social Security number, birthdate, etc. — to impersonate you, most commonly for financial gain." As the quote says, people use your information for their personal gain, so how do you counter this? Well there are multiple ways incuding paid services and things YOU can do to help yourself.

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Tips to counter all that from happening would be, any device could be at risk, verify the Wi-Fi to see if safe, use a VPN, and avoid using websites that would need your personal information. More information (and my source) can be found by clicking the bolded title above the text.

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Being alert to phishing and spoofing, use strong passwords, use alerts, shred any junk mail or creditcards that can still be used, check your credit card reports daily, and monitor financial and medical statements. You can also pay for services such as, Identity Guard, Idenity Defense, and myFICO.

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